Beating the Winter Blahs

Beating the Winter Blahs

Beating the Winter Blahs

Well, it’s winter. Not a lot of news there, but then not a surprise either. When the winter comes, it’s got its own plans, and there’s not a lot we can do about it. I’ve been reading a lot this winter, since the weather is not conducive to outdoor activities. At least, that’s my opinion. So each morning my dear husband says, “Whatever you do, don’t go outside. It’s treacherous out there!” That’s my invitation to curl up with a good book.

A Merry Christmas!

A Merry Christmas!

Did you ever get started reading a specific type of book, or a certain author’s books, and wish you could put them all in your blog for the whole world to see? Of course, if I got to do that, then I’d probably get sued for plagiarism. But being down and out for the count isn’t all “doom and gloom and agony on me.” (See earlier blogs to get caught up with my falls and surgeries, etc.) Because when you’re laid up, you can always read! Yay!!!

Grand Adventures

Grand Adventures

Sometimes we enter our adventures from human error or lack of knowledge, thus it began of our own volition. Sometimes we enter on our adventures from an outside source, as when we get lost due to someone giving us the wrong directions. Sometimes, grand adventures just happen. We don’t need to try to carry guilt or blame to please someone else.

Open Mouth, Insert Foot?

Open Mouth, Insert Foot?

Sometimes I open my mouth and words somehow just come spilling out. It’s really kind of scary, in a way, because suddenly, you have put into other people’s ears your own thoughts. And sometimes you might not even know you really thought that! (Like when someone is thinking and suddenly has to ask himself, “Did I say that out loud?” If that’s not scary, then let me know, but I think it is.)

Adventuring Close at Hand


Adventuring Close at Hand

Sometimes the most innocent of trips develops into an adventure. I remember when we first brought our girls, Mariatu and Sia, here from Sierra Leone, West Africa, we discovered there were a couple of African stores in downtown Kansas City. That, of course, necessitated a trip or two there. So, we’d pile into my car and head for the big city. (We lived in Raymore, MO, at that time.) Prior to these jaunts, my trips to the big city usually meant to Bannister or Oak Park Malls.

This was prior to everyone carrying a cell phone, or cars equipped with GPS. I just looked it up in the phone book and off we went!  As we drove (and drove, and drove), one of the ladies would sweetly ask, “Mom, are we lost?” To which I would respond with a smile pasted on my face, “NO! WE’RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!!!”

Now let me digress, momentarily, to state a few facts.

1) We were originally from down in the Ozark mountains.

2) The town we lived nearest had a population of 386.

3) Despite the fact that our military travels led us to Colorado Springs, Phoenix, St. Louis, etc., I never spent a lot of time “in the city”.  

4) When girls were ready to shop for African food, I wasn’t supposed to waste time adventuring.

Back to present time.

Life is vastly different now. Everybody has a cell phone. Cars come with GPS. And I’m 20+ years older and feebler.  Now Maria has four brilliant, talented, and beautiful children (1 graduating this year), and she gets around like nobody’s business and, if she doesn’t feel like it, her husband, Jeff, can. Sia has a lively, bright, opinionated 7-year-old daughter and not much gets past either of them.  They are such free spirits that they just get up and go wherever they set their minds to go. 

I had a fun ride with Sia recently. She and Malika had come up to visit for a couple of days.  As they were preparing to leave, I rode down to the closest filling station to top off their tank and enjoyed laughing and talking with them.

All at once, history repeated itself. From the back seat, Malika asked, “Mom? Are we lost?” Sia plastered the biggest smile on her face and answered, “Are we lost? No, my dear, we’re going on an adventure!” Like mother like daughter?

Hope all your adventures are happy ones, and that you enjoy spoiling your favorite Mother in the world!

Happy Spring! And Happy Mother’s Day!

Spring Cleaning - Dontchaloveit!!!

Spring Cleaning – Dontchaloveit!!!

Actually, this title is probably more than a little deceiving. Now everyone thinks my house is getting super clean. Actually, I am cleaning out my desk and credenza drawers: a job and a half.

I did not have a blog for the month of March, as I took a bit of a fall resulting in a bruise on the left side of my had, a brain bleed, three broken ribs, and a broken sternum. The critical care team did their best and I'm recovering. 

My recent MRI showed I have torn muscles in my back left shoulder: the same one I had surgery on for a torn rotator cuff a couple of years ago. Was this a waste of time? No. All the time spent in KUMC and LMH allowed me to think.

 I’d never had a fall like this before. Not even last spring when I tripped over the garden hose. It had been one of those slow motion things which, praise God, did not allow me to land on my knees, which is a no-no for those with artificial knees. 

I now get my 10 – 12 hours of sleep at night, plus a nap in the afternoon, I am finally able to do some deep thinking. For more fun, I decided to deep clean instead. Tackling the mess on my desk and credenza didn't cause my shoulder, chest, or ribs to hurt.

Have you found when you begin throwing old stuff away, you find pictures you can’t part with: quotes, jokes, or heavy thoughts which you might want to write on someday? So everything didn't get thrown out and the whole afternoon was wasted. Sigh. I missed my afternoon nap but the time wasn't wasted. Here's a photo showing the results.

The desk of L. K. Houk - found!

Another thing is I have a love/hate relationship with my brain now. Being from a family of people who have suffered traumatic brain injuries, I realize how serious a knock on the head is. Weeks later, I still forget names of dear, dear friends, who are right in front of me, and words that used to be mine, and dates, or days of the week. While I don’t find these serious ailments at all funny, I have to laugh at myself, because if I don’t, I might cry.

People are so nice about it though. One of my elderly (cough, cough) friends reassured me, “Just remember when you’re over the hill, you begin to pick up speed.” Or my Aunt Thelma, dearly loved and missed, would say, “Well, old age isn’t for sissies!”

As we look toward a beautiful Easter season, I hope you are well and able to stay up on two feet. Life somehow works better right side up.

Happy Spring!

Come, Walk With Me

Come, Walk With Me

Come, Walk With Me

“This is the way; walk ye in it.” Isaiah 30:21

I have a belly button. Do you have one? Oh, yes, you do! Everybody does. It’s standard equipment: men, women, boys, girls, everybody has one. They’re all over the place. Have you ever thought about this? I mean, we are SURROUNDED by belly buttons! Thank goodness they don’t have sirens blaring all the time. Thank goodness they don’t ache and hurt. I mean, if there are so many all over the place and, if they're causing problems, then there would be a lot of what the old folks called “bellyaching” going on.