What a beautiful time of year we are entering! The sun is shining brightly, squirrels are rustling through the fallen leaves, and even as they hide their little treasures, they are preparing for a coming harvest- Waste not, want not!. You want to say, “God’s in His heaven and all’s right with the world!”
But somewhere in the back of your mind, you begin to feel the agitation and the dread, just knowing that while autumn is beautiful, you still have that other season following in its footsteps. You know the one. Yup! WINTER!!! I always dread the advancing winter weather and its accompanying frozen blast.
I often wish I could do sound effects with my writing! When my sister, Rae Jean, was with us here, I often read “Murder, She Wrote” mysteries to her of an evening. When we got to a climactic pause, I’d lean toward her and sing, “Dun, dun, dun,---DUHN!!!” And then she would do it too. It’s hard to make that understood with my trusty (?) computer.
Let’s just face it: Whether fair weather or foul, there is nothing quite as comforting as sitting down before a crackling fire and enjoying a good book. So perhaps winter is not all bad!
One writer I have been enjoying is Matthew Kelly, whose book, Holy Moments, Rae Jean and I read through several times. According to Mr. Kelly, a Holy Moment is “a single moment in which you open yourself to God. You make yourself available to Him. You set aside personal preference and self-interest, and for one moment you do what you prayerfully believe God is calling you to do.” Anyone can devote a moment. And as you increase these special times of losing yourself and participating with God, holy moments become easier and easier. And your life becomes more relaxed and meaningful.
When we look out the window to see the leaves shaking and falling tremblingly off the trees, or we lie abed listening to the roar of those cold winds, we can blend plans and dreams, thoughts and prayers, wishes and ambitions, our yesterdays and our tomorrows, knowing that they are all in God’s very capable hands.
I enjoy this quote from the Rev. Mr. Ralph Sockman’s book, A Lift for Living: May it bring you joy and hope for your pursuit of Life’s Holy Moments.
“We cannot hoard life as we can money.
When a person tries to be a miser of his health,
He usually makes himself miserable.
Mental talents, if buried and not used, tend to deteriorate.
Whoever would save his memory by not using it will lose it.
Love and sympathy are dissipated not by use, but by disuse.
Thus, in trying to save ourselves from being spent, we lose ourselves.”