Teller of Tales
We can all use some wisdom from Tom T.
(not a typical turkey)
Tom T. - Not a Thanksgiving Turkey!
If you’ve read any of my books, you’ll know Tom T. is a family farm turkey who shares stories about other animals on the farm. Without being preachy, these books show growth of character. Learn more about these hardcover bilingual beauties on my website and contact me if you’d like to purchase one or more for Christmas this year.
Time Out
I want to let you know I’m still here and doing well. I’ve been caring for my sister, who has dementia, both at her home, and now in ours. Though she sleeps quite a bit, it is difficult to plan around her care, which is 24/7. My blogs have taken a back seat, temporarily.
I am thankful for this time with my sister and the ability to care for her from our home. Most of all, I’m thankful for Jesus and all he does in our lives - especially for salvation.